Bullington Gardens

Bullington Gardens
Monday - Saturday: 8:00a - 4:30p
Bullington Gardens is a public botanical garden on 12 acres of rolling land providing hands-on education in horticulture and other sciences to students, youth clubs and adults. When visiting the gardens you will see some of the many unusual mature trees that Mr. Bullington had collected. Some of the trees you will see are Tanyosho Japanese red pine, kousa dogwoods, Japanese stewartia, paper bark maple and Japanese pagoda tree. Other specimen plants include a Sargeant’s weeping hemlock, double flowering dogwood, big leaf magnolia and yellowwood.
Bullington Gardens offers activities and workshops. The gardens include a therapy garden, shade garden, butterfly garden, perennial borders, native woodland garden, pumpkin patch and herb garden. There is also a half-mile nature trail through the wooded area of the gardens.