Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park
3370 LaFayette Road
Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park was officially dedicated on September 18-20, 1895. It is the oldest and largest Civil War Park. There are about 1,400 monuments and historical markers on the battlefields.
The slopes of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge presented more formidable natural obstacles to large scale military operations during the Civil War. This area has changed very little over time and has been preserved in its historic condition. There has been scarcely any changes in the roads, fields, forests, and houses at Chickamauga since the battle.
There are observation towers strategically placed on the Chickamauga Battlefield, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain for visitors to see the tactical detail of the actual battle over a 150 mile front.
For more information on the park visit http://www.nps.gov/chch/index.htm